Mar 26, 2011

Find a Rank of Matrix.

int R,C;
int i, j;
int mat[10][10];

void display( int, int);
void input( int, int);
int Rank_Mat(int , int);
void swap(int, int, int);

/* This function exchange two rows of a matrix */

void swap( int row1,int row2, int col)
for( i = 0; i < col; i++)
int temp = mat[row1][i];
mat[row1][i] = mat[row2][i];
mat[row2][i] = temp;

/* This function find rank of matrix */

int Rank_Mat(int row1, int col1)
int r, c;
for(r = 0; r< col1; r++)
if( mat[r][r] ) // Diagonal element is not zero
for(c = 0; c < row1; c++)
if(c != r)
/* Make all the elements above and below the current principal
diagonal element zero */

float ratio = mat[c][r]/ mat[r][r];
for( i = 0; i < col1; i++)
mat[c][i] -= ratio * mat[r][i];


/* Principal Diagonal elment is zero */

for(c = r+1 ; c < row1; c++)
if (mat[c][r])
/* Find non zero elements in the same column */
break ;

if(c == row1)
-- col1;

for(c = 0; c < row1; c ++)
mat[c][r] = mat[c][col1];
return col1;

/* Output function */

void display( int row, int col)
for(i = 0; i < row; i++)
for(j = 0; j < col; j++)
printf(" %d", mat[i][j]);

/* Input function */

void input( int row, int col)
int value;
for(i = 0 ; i< row; i++)
for(j = 0 ; j
printf("Input Value for: %d: %d: ", i+1, j+1);
scanf("%d", &value);
mat[i][j] = value;

/* main function */

void main()
int rank;
printf("\n Input number of rows:");
scanf("%d", &R);
printf("\n Input number of cols:");
scanf("%d", &C);
input(R, C);
printf("\n Row is : %d", R);
printf("\n Column is : %d \n", C);

printf("\n Entered Two Dimensional array is as follows:\n");
printf("\n Row is : %d", R);
printf("\n Column is : %d\n", C);

rank = Rank_Mat(R, C);
printf("\n Rank of above matrix is : %d", rank);

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